🎥Media Operations

7H Media Operations Overview

7H Media APIs provide a comprehensive set of endpoints for managing media associated with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These APIs empower developers to handle the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of NFT media instances seamlessly.




Create Token Media Instance


This endpoint initiates the creation of a new media instance for a Token. Developers can upload various media formats like images, audio, or video associated with a specific token. Standard data formats accepted include: Image (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, SVG, WebP), Video (MP4, AVI, MOV, MKV, FLV, WMV), Audio (MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG), and Documents (PDF). Max file size is 50MB.

List Token Media


Retrieve a list of all media instances created, facilitating browsing, management, or display of all NFT media in a user interface.

Get Token Media


Retrieve details of a specific media instance associated with a Token, including media content and any metadata or properties linked to it.

Update Token Media


Update details of a specific media instance, allowing developers to modify media content or associated metadata.

Delete Token Media


Delete a specific media instance, useful when an NFT is burned, transferred, or if the associated media content needs removal for any reason.

Usage of 7H Media API

Create Media Instance

Initiate the hosting of your token media on Sevenheaven with this endpoint.

  • Endpoint: POST https://api.7777.wtf/alpha/nft/media

Send the media file as multipart/form-data in the body of the HTTP request. No special encoding is required for the file.

Example using curl

Create a media instance for a PNG media file with the description of file #1 and a media instance file name of file_1:

bashCopy codecurl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@file_1.png" -F "description=File #1" https://api.7777.wtf/alpha/nft/media

Replace <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN> with your actual access token.

This example showcases the creation of a media instance using 7H Media APIs for a PNG file named file_1 with associated metadata.

Last updated